Who says the dev­il is in the detail?
We are dri­ven by our atten­tion to detail. It’s what makes our kitchens so unique.
We aim to con­vince you that the big pic­ture often starts with the tini­est detail.


Lights on, or lights off?

We don’t make things quite so sim­ple for our­selves, or for you. Because count­less nuances lie between dark and light. And there are at least as many rea­sons to dim the lights, or turn them back up again to match your unique mood. When the light falls on our exclu­sive han­dle strips made of high-qual­i­ty, brushed brass, break­ing into warm shades and spread­ing under­stat­ed accents through the light dif­fuser, it’s an easy deci­sion to make: Lights on!


Who says the dev­il is in the detail?
We are dri­ven by our atten­tion to detail.
t’s what makes our kitchens so unique.
We aim to con­vince you that the big pic­ture often starts with the tini­est detail.


Lights on, or lights off?

We don’t make things quite so sim­ple for our­selves, or for you. Because count­less nuances lie between dark and light. And there are at least as many rea­sons to dim the lights, or turn them back up again to match your unique mood. When the light falls on our exclu­sive han­dle strips made of high-qual­i­ty, brushed brass, break­ing into warm shades and spread­ing under­stat­ed accents through the light dif­fuser, it’s an easy deci­sion to make: Lights on!

– Re-expe­ri­ence show­case design

These exclu­sive show­cas­es enchant with the ele­gant design made of high-qual­i­ty anodised brass, which is made to shim­mer with gen­tle brush strokes.

Due to the cus­tomised design of the inte­ri­or, the show­cas­es become a per­son­al high­light and cre­ate an impres­sive float­ing look. The refined con­struc­tion makes the hinges lit­er­al­ly dis­ap­pear and gives these spe­cial show­cas­es an addi­tion­al dimen­sion of elegance.


– Re-expe­ri­ence show­case design

These exclu­sive show­cas­es enchant with the ele­gant design made of high-qual­i­ty anodised brass, which is made to shim­mer with gen­tle brush strokes.

Due to the cus­tomised design of the inte­ri­or, the show­cas­es become a per­son­al high­light and cre­ate an impres­sive float­ing look. The refined con­struc­tion makes the hinges lit­er­al­ly dis­ap­pear and gives these spe­cial show­cas­es an addi­tion­al dimen­sion of elegance.


Of course, keep­ing things in good order is always half the bat­tle – so, what’s the oth­er half? In the kitchen, it’s an essen­tial ques­tion. When every­thing is well-organ­ised and easy to find right when you need it, then you can con­cen­trate on what is most impor­tant in your kitchen: Cook­ing togeth­er and enjoy­ing the com­pa­ny of friends and family.

We offer you a vari­ety of options for return­ing order from chaos – per­fect­ly com­bined in our kitchens and our exclu­sive series of high-qual­i­ty draw­er sys­tems with nar­row frames (pro­Tech 2.0), inte­grat­ed into i‑luminate cab­i­nets, and there to give your cre­ativ­i­ty the great­est pos­si­ble room to flourish.