Who says the dev­il is in the detail?
We are dri­ven by our atten­tion to detail. It’s what makes our kitchens so unique.
We aim to con­vince you that the big pic­ture often starts with the tini­est detail.


Who says the dev­il is in the detail?
We are dri­ven by our atten­tion to detail. It’s what makes our kitchens so unique.
We aim to con­vince you that the big pic­ture often starts with the tini­est detail.



Lights on, lights off? We don’t make it that easy for you and our­selves. Because there are count­less nuances between dark and light. And at least as many rea­sons to dim the light con­tin­u­ous­ly and then turn it up again. Just as the mood takes you. When the light falls on our exclu­sive han­dle pro­file made of high-qual­i­ty brushed brass, refracts as a warm colour tone and spreads dis­creet­ly but accen­tu­at­ed, then the deci­sion is made. With the ele­gant ver­sion in black anodised, brushed alu­mini­um, the light is also reflect­ed dis­creet­ly yet ele­gant­ly into the room. This per­fect com­bi­na­tion of design­er kitchen and light­ing cre­ates a styl­ish, cus­tomis­able atmos­phere that impress­es both func­tion­al­ly and aesthetically.

And it means — light on!

  • Handle strip lighting with modern lighting design
  • Kitchen wall cabinet in walnut front with illuminated grip recess
  • High-quality handle strip lighting of an i-luminate designer kitchen
  • i-luminate kitchen island with handle strip lighting
  • Illuminated handleless kitchen by i-luminate
  • Grey kitchen with wood and illuminated handle strip
  • Kitchen island with illuminated handle profile
  • i-luminate handle strip lighting



Lights on, lights off? We don’t make it that easy for you and our­selves. Because there are count­less nuances between dark and light. And at least as many rea­sons to dim the light con­tin­u­ous­ly and then turn it up again. Just as the mood takes you. When the light falls on our exclu­sive han­dle pro­file made of high-qual­i­ty brushed brass, refracts as a warm colour tone and spreads dis­creet­ly but accen­tu­at­ed, then the deci­sion is made. With the ele­gant ver­sion in black anodised, brushed alu­mini­um, the light is also reflect­ed dis­creet­ly yet ele­gant­ly into the room. This per­fect com­bi­na­tion of design­er kitchen and light­ing cre­ates a styl­ish, cus­tomis­able atmos­phere that impress­es both func­tion­al­ly and aesthetically.

And it means — light on!

  • Handle strip lighting with modern lighting design
  • Kitchen wall cabinet in walnut front with illuminated grip recess
  • High-quality handle strip lighting of an i-luminate designer kitchen
  • Illuminated handleless kitchen by i-luminate
  • i-luminate kitchen island with handle strip lighting
  • Grey kitchen with wood and illuminated handle strip
  • Kitchen island with illuminated handle profile
Grey cutlery drawer for perfect kitchen organization



Tidi­ness is half the bat­tle. Our i‑luminate design­er kitchens offer intel­li­gent stor­age solu­tions so that every­thing has its place and you can con­cen­trate on the best things in the kitchen: Cook­ing togeth­er, enjoy­ing together.

With high-qual­i­ty draw­er sys­tems and clev­er­ly inte­grat­ed cab­i­nets, we offer you max­i­mum space and opti­mum organ­i­sa­tion. The exclu­sive draw­ers with nar­row frames (pro­Tech 2.0) and the intel­li­gent­ly designed i‑luminate cab­i­nets not only max­imise stor­age space, but also cre­ate a styl­ish and tidy atmos­phere. This makes your kitchen the per­fect place for cre­ative cook­ing adven­tures and con­vivial moments of enjoyment.


These exclu­sive show­cas­es enchant with their ele­gant design made of high-qual­i­ty anodised brass, which is made to shim­mer with gen­tle brush strokes.

The cus­tomised inte­ri­or design makes the show­cas­es a per­son­al high­light and cre­ates an impres­sive float­ing look. The inge­nious design makes the hinges lit­er­al­ly dis­ap­pear and gives these spe­cial show­cas­es an extra dimen­sion of elegance.

  • Large high-quality glass showcase by i-luminate
  • High-quality showcase with floating appearance of the drawers
  • High-quality showcase glass cabinet with floating appearance and lighting design
  • Wall-mounted glass cabinet with side glass; unique kitchen planning
  • Showcase glass cabinet by i-luminate kitchen with lighting
  • Freestanding i-luminate showcase glass cabinet with lighting


These exclu­sive show­cas­es enchant with their ele­gant design made of high-qual­i­ty anodised brass, which is made to shim­mer with gen­tle brush strokes.

The cus­tomised inte­ri­or design makes the show­cas­es a per­son­al high­light and cre­ates an impres­sive float­ing look. The inge­nious design makes the hinges lit­er­al­ly dis­ap­pear and gives these spe­cial show­cas­es an extra dimen­sion of elegance.

  • Freestanding i-luminate showcase glass cabinet with lighting
  • High-quality showcase with floating appearance of the drawers
  • High-quality showcase glass cabinet with floating appearance and lighting design
  • Wall-mounted glass cabinet with side glass; unique kitchen planning
  • Large high-quality glass showcase by i-luminate
  • Showcase glass cabinet by i-luminate kitchen with lighting