Light? A full ambiance is the sum of many dif­fer­ent light sources, all com­bined to cre­ate an over­all con­cept and a com­plete expe­ri­ence. Har­mo­nious­ly syn­chro­nised, some ver­ti­cal and some hor­i­zon­tal, and above all inte­grat­ed down to the small­est detail to build a light­ing mood that can be infi­nite­ly adjust­ed at the push of a but­ton, to reflect your own emo­tions. Paired with per­fect­ly coor­di­nat­ed, brass-coloured strips, they are part of an atmos­phere that is var­ied yet reserved, sur­pris­ing and yet har­mo­nious with styl­ish accents.

Of course, the i‑luminate con­cept offers plen­ty of options for plan­ning, and all the colours, mate­ri­als, and equip­ment you need. Light­ing ele­ments can be freely select­ed and com­bined, to ulti­mate­ly cre­ate a kitchen that always deliv­ers just the right light and always per­fect­ly fits your needs.


Light? A full ambiance is the sum of many dif­fer­ent light sources, all com­bined to cre­ate an over­all con­cept and a com­plete expe­ri­ence. Har­mo­nious­ly syn­chro­nised, some ver­ti­cal and some hor­i­zon­tal, and above all inte­grat­ed down to the small­est detail to build a light­ing mood that can be infi­nite­ly adjust­ed at the push of a but­ton, to reflect your own emo­tions. Paired with per­fect­ly coor­di­nat­ed, brass-coloured strips, they are part of an atmos­phere that is var­ied yet reserved, sur­pris­ing and yet har­mo­nious with styl­ish accents.

Of course, the i‑luminate con­cept offers plen­ty of options for plan­ning, and all the colours, mate­ri­als, and equip­ment you need. Light­ing ele­ments can be freely select­ed and com­bined, to ulti­mate­ly cre­ate a kitchen that always deliv­ers just the right light and always per­fect­ly fits your needs.


Light? A full ambiance is the sum of many dif­fer­ent light sources, all com­bined to cre­ate an over­all con­cept and a com­plete expe­ri­ence. Har­mo­nious­ly syn­chro­nised, some ver­ti­cal and some hor­i­zon­tal, and above all inte­grat­ed down to the small­est detail to build a light­ing mood that can be infi­nite­ly adjust­ed at the push of a but­ton, to reflect your own emo­tions. Paired with per­fect­ly coor­di­nat­ed, brass-coloured strips, they are part of an atmos­phere that is var­ied yet reserved, sur­pris­ing and yet har­mo­nious with styl­ish accents.

Of course, the i‑luminate con­cept offers plen­ty of options for plan­ning, and all the colours, mate­ri­als, and equip­ment you need. Light­ing ele­ments can be freely select­ed and com­bined, to ulti­mate­ly cre­ate a kitchen that always deliv­ers just the right light and always per­fect­ly fits your needs.

Q‑VA Art­stone
Q‑EI Wal­nut natural

Q‑EI Oak truf­fle grey

Q‑EI Wal­nut natural

Q‑VA Art­stone
Q‑EI Wal­nut natural

Q‑VA Art­stone
Q‑EI Wal­nut natural

Q‑EI Oak truf­fle grey

Q‑EI Wal­nut natural

Q‑VA Art­stone
Q‑EI Wal­nut natural